our mission is to educate women and the people who love them about maternal health issues and to support those who have suffered a traumatic maternal health event.
"Our stories connected us initially because of the traumatic experience we both went through with severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Each of us suffered a delayed PPH on the 8th day after giving birth (Jessica in July of 2010 and Karleen in September of 2011). Both of us lost more than 80% of our blood in a very short period of time and underwent the same 3 surgeries to try and cease the bleeding. We are recipients of multiple blood tranfusions and spent days in the ICU not knowing if we'd ever return to our families. We suffered from PTSD but were fortunate to find help and healing especially through connecting with each other. We are now focused on helping other women who have been through similar experiences. We are extremely grateful to be survivors of PPH but tragically, too many women are not. We will never forget them and we advocate on their behalf for improved maternal health."
In Kindness and Health,
Karleen Basch and Jessica Hill